Preach 'till they die!

In this episode we explore the story of Eutychus falling out the window, found in Acts chapter 20:7-12. We made an unexpected application regarding how we can spiritually “Resurrect” those who fall out of fellowship and recognise our own need for...

What to do During the Week

Continuing our series on “How to get the most out of Church”, in this episode we talk about what to do through the week and how we can structure our lives to make sure it isn’t the *only* spiritual refill you get each week. Join us for the...

How to pick the right Church

Welcome to the start of a new series on how to get the most out of church, in this episode we talk about joining and selecting the right church for you. So if you are about to move and will be looking for a new church or looking to try one out for the first this is...

Easter – Christianity Vs. Culture

Ever wondered what rabbits, eggs and Jesus have to do with each other? So do we, let’s talk about that. This episode is devoted to easter and how the popular holiday interacts with our culture and faith. This is also the next of our intermittent series called...