Conversations you wish you could have at church

A podcast where five guys explore their faith & become brothers in the process.

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The Podcast

Mothers Day Special 2021

Mothers Day Special 2021

Mothers are the unsung heroes of our lives, it is all to rare that we pause to reflect on their power and value. In this episode we reflect on the role of mothers, our own experience and how we can relate to them the way God wants us to. Download the Mp3 here

The Ultimate Test

The Ultimate Test

Orhue joins us again for this week’s episode where we discuss the ultimate test; can we handle God’s blessings and still stay close to him? Download the Mp3 here

Does Persecution mean you are in the right?

In this week’s episode we welcome Orhue on to the show and we discuss persecution and the Christian walk and if persecution is something that is a requirement to show that we are on the right path with God. Do we attract persecution by truly living out the principles...

3 Hymn Sandwich Part 2

Is our current way of doing church the best way we could be doing church and if not, how can it be improved? This is a question I’m sure all of us have asked at some point and in this week’s episode we explore our experiences and where we find our current way of doing...

3 Hymn Sandwich Part 1

Is our current way of doing church the best way we could be doing church and if not, how can it be improved? This is a question I’m sure all of us have asked at some point and in this week’s episode we explore our experiences and where we find our current way of doing...

The Evolution of Thought

In this week’s episode we talk about why it is so hard to change our minds, especially when it comes to things that are close to us and who we are. We are often so close minded particularly the older we get and its hard to stay open to new ideas; ideas that could...

Join our Discord Community

This is where the ATT community hangs out, asks questions and connects with us.

Our New studio is finished!

Our audience made this space possible and we are so grateful!

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Look at the impact God has made through ATT and how you can participate.

…these guys have stretched my mind to think deeper about my faith on topics I didn’t know I needed to think about! I highly recommend for any Christian at whatever level of spiritual walk with God.


…it feels like you’re included in the conversation and it really feels like we’re all figuring these things out together. This is a great podcast! Also a lot of bible nerd humor which I am super for. Good dudes having good conversations.


Who We Are

Luke "Bossman" Farrugia

Luke "Bossman" Farrugia

Luke is the creative/ entrepreneurial one who can’t turn his brain off and doesn’t really want to. (More about Luke)

Steve "The Chuckler" Hokin

Steve "The Chuckler" Hokin

Steve thinks deeply and is not afraid to question convention. He is also a really funny guy.

Matt DeRossi

Matt DeRossi

Usually referenced as “The good looking Matt” He is a family man with a big heart and a sense of humour to match.

ATT Alumni

Matt "The Larrakin" Wills

Matt "The Larrakin" Wills

Matt is the smart guy who hides behind his jokes and has the ability to create an atmosphere people just want to be in.

Nato "Technically" Tregenza

Nato "Technically" Tregenza

Nathanael is a quiet guy but a man of integrity and deep thought. He is currently a student pilot.
Dave "Carebear" Brown

Dave "Carebear" Brown

Dave is the big-picture loving theology nut who has an unprecedented capacity to care about others. (Learn more about Dave)
Orhue "The Doctor" Enoma

Orhue "The Doctor" Enoma

Orhue is one of the most highly educated yet intellectually honest people you will ever meet.

Ben "The Unicorn" Ludlow

Ben "The Unicorn" Ludlow

Ben is our gym-junkie, logic enforcing, resident history expert. He is also an accountant.

What are we doing?

Inspired by the guys over at Lightbearers we decided to simply sit around a table and record the conversations we were already having about our faith in the hope that they would encourage others to do the same.

Then we found out that if you consistently have those conversations it changes your world.

So we hope you will do the same and change your world too.

The Topics

Our topics are diverse, ranging from Cancel culture, porn and mental health to theology, career and relationships. but all of them are through the lens of faith.

Get in touch

If you have any feedback or questions, we would love to hear from you, Just use the form on this page and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

If you are using our content in any kind of way, like bible study, witnessing, or christian radio, please let us know. We would love to hear how you are using it.